Sunday 8 May 2011

Poem 3

Mr. Nobody

Author: Unknown
Author Unknown
I know a funny little man,
As quiet as a mouse,
Who does the mischief that is done
In everybody's house!
There's no one ever sees his face,
And yet we all agree
That every plate we break was cracked
By Mr. Nobody

`Tis he who always tears our books,
Who leaves the door ajar,
He pulls the buttons from our shirts,
And scatters pine afar;
That squeaking door will always squeak,
For, prithee, don't you see,
We leave the oiling to be done
By Mr. Nobody

The finger marked upon the door
By none of us are made;
We never leave the blind unclosed,
To let the curtains fade.
The ink we never spill; the boots
That lying round you. See
Are not our boots they all belong
To Mr. Nobody.

There are four stanzas in the poem.
Let's see the kind of mischief done by Mr. Nobody.

In Stanza 1.
·         He cracks plates.
In Stanza 2.
·         He tears books.
·         He does not close doors properly.
·         He pulls off shirt buttons.
·         He scatters pins.
·         He never oils the door which squeaks.
In Stanza 3
·         He puts damp wood upon the fire.
·         He muddies and soils the carpets.
·         He mislaid the newspapers.
·         He also tosses the papers around.
In Stanza 4
·         He leaves finger marks on the door.
·         He leaves the blinds unclosed.
·         He spills ink.
·         He leaves his books lying all over.

Who do you think could it be?

Based on the poem above, please click here to answer the questions . :)

Saturday 7 May 2011

Short Story


So now we are going to study the short story Flipping Fantastic. 
Recognise the photo below? What is the name of the character?
Oh do you know what does it mean by character?
Read below.

  • Characters are the people found in the story. Sometimes, a character can also be an animal or an object.
  • These characters can be categorised into main characters and supporting characters. The character that dominates the story is usually the main character.
  • Their characteristics are the way these characters behave and act.
  • Characters can be learned in many ways including:
    • physical traits
    • actions
    • opinions
    • dialogue
    • point of view

Ok now you have understood what characters it so we can proceed with the exercise to test your understanding on the characters of the short story Flipping Fantastic.


Can you still remember the drama Rumplestiltskin? Do you want to refresh your memory about the story by listening to a story telling? Click the video below. Have fun!

Now, look at the diagram below to learn what a plot is.

So now you have watched the drama-telling and you know what are the components of a plot, 
so now I shall test your comprehension on the plot of the drama Rumplestiltskin. 
Please proceed.


Below is the plot components for Rumplestiltskin. Please complete the plot components by identifying the exposition until its resolution with the description of the photo in the box. 

Poem 2


This is a very breathtaking photo, right?
This is a picture of the Columbia River, if you are wondering.
Now let's get to know what a river can be by watching the video below.

So now I believe you have understood what the poem is all about, so let's together answer the exercise below. I want to see full marks from all of you! :D

The River’s a baby,
He gurgles and hums,
And sounds like he’s happily
Sucking his thumb.
The River’s a singer,
As he dances along,
The countryside echoes
The notes of his song.
The River’s a monster
Hungry and vexed,
He’s gobbled up trees
And he’ll swallow you next.

a. Write down the title of the poem and the poet’s name. (1 mark)
b. In the first stanza the river is being described as a __________________ (1/2 mark)
i. Boy ii. Girl iii. Baby iv. Mother
c. The river is compared to a human being. This is called _______________ (1/2 mark)
i. Personification ii. Metaphor iii. Simile iv. Alliteration
d. Quote another example of personification from the poem. (1/2 mark)
e. ‘Gurgles’ is an example of __________________________ (1/2 mark)
i. Simile ii. Onomatopoeia iii. Metaphor iv. Rhyme
f. To what is the river compared in the last stanzastanza? How is it described? (1 mark)
g. ‘The river’s a monster’ is an example of a ____________________ (1/2 mark)
i. Metaphor ii. Simile iii. Persona iv. Personification
h. Find one pair of rhyming words from the poem. (1/2 mark)

Friday 6 May 2011

Poem 1


So do you still remember the first poem we learned?
Yes, it is I wonder by Jeannie Kirby.
Do you still remember what it's all about?
Okay good at least you can still remember bits of the poem.
So for a deeper understanding of the poem, you can refer to your notes or you can just watch this video!
Watch it carefully and understand.
We're gonna do something about it afterward.

So you can see that this poem is about a little boy who is wondering a lot of things in this world, right.
So now is the time for you to tell me what have you been wondering of all this time. 
Just as the poem, to state all your wonderings, you can use all of the WH-questions.
I want you to list out 5 things that you wondered of.

So from the video that you have watched, I want you to write the synopsis of the poem, based on your understanding in 150 words. Best of luck! :)


Let's get to know what Literature really is.


So what is 'Belles-lettres'?


pl.n. (used with a sing. verb)

1. Literature regarded for its aesthetic value rather than its didactic or informative content.

2. Light, stylish writings, usually on literary or intellectual subjects.

[French : bellesfine + lettresletters, literature.]

P/s: I really hope you're going to have fun learning Literature in here and I bet you will if you join me.
Love. ;)


Hello dearests!
So this is where you're gonna study the beloved Literature.
I'll help you! So Belles-lettres will be the place for us to discuss about everything in Literature.
So hesitate not, just ask anything that you are curious of, you don't understand and just anything!
I'll help you out! And don't forget to have fun with the activities I put here for all of you ok!
We're so gonna love our Belles-lettres.